School Materials Supplying

Since LMGU started working there was always a connection with Katoogo´s Ghetto.Due to people conecting us.
Once you get in contact and reach to be able to help those kids that even having family for them gets extremely difficult even pay a notebook.So there we were,trying to help as much as we could with the material provided to LMGU or the founds rised for it.
Different kids from this area have been able to get some intermitent help from LMGU for several years.
Shamessly our economy still small and cannot afford having all the programs open.
Our main aim are Street Kids so we have decided closing the programs to be able to provide as much help as we can exclusively to them.

Scholarship Sponsoring

6 katoogo's kids were beneficiaries from LMGU sponsors for different periods of time.
We have been also trying to keep them in school by helping intermitently parents that couldn't arrive to the school fees.


The kids were constantly asking...."uncle!we need to cut the hair please!" and there we went ready to hairdress the maximum kids we could.
Shamessly this program run short time due to the big lack of higyene for the kids and for volunteers that wanted to help so much but were not following some higyenical bases so necessary for all of us (kids & team).
We decided to wait until having a proper space with water,electricity and proper razor machines so kids would feel more confy,clean and having a painless haircut

Katoogo´s Feeding & Clothing

We have been running that intermitent program (due to resources and funds ) since LMGU started working.
Thanksfully a big group of overall small kids have benefit from that program during all this years until January 2018 when we decided to focus only on Street Kids,definetely the most vulnerable ones

Katoogo's Vulnerable & Street Kids Party

Last Sunday of the month has been a happy moment in Katoogo for many kids.They could celebrate,dance,sing,express themselves and eat a whole warm food that day.
Our last office and the group of little kids and sponsored ones where in that area so we wanted to bring together all of them and the street kids.
Due to the distance between Katoogo and the street kids it was only possible to bring 20-30 street kids each time as we had to take them in matatu (public bus that is in fact a van).
We tried,but we decided to close that program for the moment due to the imposibility from lots od street kids to come walking.
We hope to reopen it when more funds are available!

Ghetto's Party

We have been running this program long time with different versions of it.
We started just going to the ghetto with the available food we had(some bread,chappatis...) talking to the kids and singing with a tiny speaker.
Slowly it increased and we were able to give food to over 100 kids and going up and up...but so much noise was made around ,and that is not good as it is illegal to "feed beggars" here.
We continued as long as possible but not being able to control the amount of kids coming was a difficulty as if food is not enough the battle starts.The lack of hygiene in the ghetto and during transport were not either easy so we decided to move to a proper place were we could offer a safer party to kids.


We moved so close to Kissenye Ghetto,that close that kids could come walking.Taking advantage of it we  gave the option to 20 kids a day to come around and learn the basics ( reading,writting,maths & english ).
We were also giving them medic care, breakfast & lunch and lots of support.
We closed that program to be able to host 7 of them in the House-Class program day and night so they could have a space to live in also.
The program will be reopen when the economical situation will support it again.

Street children need you

With so many difficulties these  kids stay alive
Could you help them to have the future any child deserves?

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